Many pet parents ask questions like “Can dogs eat potato chips?” Because they are concerned with the human-foods their pets eat. Experts recommend pet owners avoid giving potato chips to their pets. this crunchy, salty treat often have ingredients that can harm your pup. Keep reading to find out the dangers of feeding potato chips to your pet.
Can Dogs Eat Potato Chips?

It’s not surprising that we often want to share our food with our four-legged best friends. You might toss them a piece of your sandwich or Heaven forbids, feed them a salty, cheesy potato chip (terrible idea!). You should stop and never do that again. Your pet may be part of the family, but he is still an animal. This means there are certain human junk foods, like chips, that can be dangerous for him.
You’re probably scratching your head wondering what kind of dangers could a small chip pose? Well, first of all, even if you’re just snacking on a plain chip, you’re still putting your pooch at risk for health problems. Chips contain a lot of salt (as if the grease and salt coating your fingertips hasn’t already clued you in). Salt is quite dangerous for dogs. And if you’re snacking on seasoned chips, like Doritos or Cheetos, these are even worse.
What Harmful Ingredients Are In Potato Chips?
As I just mentioned, chips contain salt. You may think there’s no harm in one potato chip. It’s just potatoes cut up, dried out, and fried. The potatoes aren’t the danger. It’s the seasonings.
Dangers of Excessive Salt Consumption For Dogs.

Salt can be very harmful to dogs. Salt contains sodium, which can cause your dog to become extremely thirsty. He might drink a ton of water (I know I do when I eat chips). Which, in turn, would lead him to take frequent bathroom breaks. This can lead to dehydration, or worse, sodium poisoning. Symptoms to watch for include:
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Lethargy
- Depression
- Tremors
- Fever
- Seizures
Other dangerous ingredients
Some varieties of chips contain lactose, which can pose a problem if your pet is intolerant. You may not even be aware of it if you’ve been careful about what your dog eats. That’s one big concern about feeding human food to your pet. Your four-legged child may have food allergies you know nothing about. Until they present.
The fat that is found in chips is also dangerous to your pooch. Onions and garlic are also common ingredients found in chips that can be toxic for your fur baby. These two ingredients can cause anemia, which can be fatal to your pup if not caught in time.

Healthy Alternative
Here’s a great idea. Instead of feeding your sweet baby human chips, consider a substitution like dog-safe chips instead. They’re quite simple to cook. But make sure you use sweet potatoes instead of white. Sweet potatoes are a great source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B6. They also provide your pet with a healthy dose of dietary fiber and antioxidants. And because they’re naturally sweet, your dog will love it.
All you have to do is slice your sweet potato into even slices, place them on a baking sheet, and put them in a 250℉ oven for 3 hours. If you want your pup chips to be extra crispy, add an extra 30 minutes to your timer. My advice? If you have a dehydrator, prepare numerous healthy snacks for your pet, including sweet potato chips and dog-safe jerky. Or you can purchase them already made if you’re pressed for time.

No More Chips For Fido
Now that you know the dangers of feeding your doggie human snacks like chips, hopefully, you’ll avoid it in the future. It is our responsibility to protect our pets from harm, even if it means getting sad puppy dog eyes every time we eat. As hard as it may be, do not give in. Provide your dog with healthy, dog-safe things instead. When she’s still with you five years from now, you’ll thank yourself for saying no.

Kassidy Shepperd is the editor in chief for She is is a dog lover/trainer, a freelance writer and a volunteer at many pet rescue and shelter centers. Kassidy is based in Colorado and regularly writes for dog related magazines and blogs.